Every automobile owner will tell you that maintenance is critical. By taking care of your vehicle, you can dramatically increase its lifespan. There are some car parts that should be at the forefront of your mind during road trips or even your daily commute. Here are five automobile components that need to be replaced frequently. Spark Plugs Some manufacturers suggest you change your spark plugs every three years in order to keep your vehicle running smoothly. Engine idling, engine misfiring, high fuel consumption, engine surging, or a lack or acceleration all indicate that it's time for new spark plugs. Headlights In order to see properly and drive safely at night, you need working headlights. As technology changes, owners have seen a decrease in the frequency of replacing the car parts associated with headlights. That is because more manufacturers are using LED technology, which outlasts traditional lamps. Of course, these do cost more, so when the time comes to replace the bulbs, you probably will spend a little more money if you have a newer vehicle. Tires Depending on the brand of your tires, you could have to replace them after as little as 30,000 miles of travel. You should regularly check the tread for signs of wear. If you place a penny in between the treads of a tire and can see the head of Abraham Lincoln, then the rubber has worn down too much. In addition, if you have a newer vehicle with a tire pressure monitoring system, you will eventually need to replace this component. Over time, the sensor will wear out. This system offers significant benefits, as it warns drivers when the pressure is too low. Even though the replacement of this system adds to an automobile's maintenance pricetag, many choose to pay the extra price. Brakes Stopping your vehicle takes its toll. Brake pads eventually wear down and have to be replaced. In order to avoid incurring additional expenses, you should have your pads replaced at the first sign of wear. This could be a noise or noticing that it takes more pressure or time to come to a complete stop. If you wait too long, not only will you have to replace the pads, but you may also have to replace the rotors underneath. Batteries New technology is making it so that your vehicle's battery does not have to be replaced every three years. However, even if you have a five-, seven-, or ten-year battery, you should make sure the battery gets testing during your annual maintenance tune-up. By checking it annually, you can replace the battery before it dies, avoiding the hassle of finding your automobile dead one morning. There are many different car parts that you will eventually have to replace. However, these five are the most common and will need to be changed more often than other components. If you perform regular maintenance on your automobile, it will last for years.
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