
Some Scary And Disturbing Images And The Stories Behind Them.

A Congolese man stares at the severed hand and foot of his five-year-old daughter because he didn’t meet his daily rubber quota.

She and her mother were killed and then cannibalized.

King Leopold II of Belgium had founded the Congo Free State and had ruled the Congo as a privately owned corporate state for 23 years, between 1885 and 1908. During his reign, the state became a source of great international scandals owing to the violation of human rights through forced labor.

The militiamen of ABIR (Anglo-Belgian India Rubber) Company, which exploited natural rubber resources in the Congo Free State, imposed severe punishments on those who did not meet their daily rubber quota.

They were required to provide the severed hands of anyone they killed or they could be accused of using ammunition, which was imported from Europe at high costs. The photograph taken by Alice Seeley Harris shows a man named Nsala whose daughter’s hand and foot were cut off, after which she was killed along with her mother.





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