I have personally decided to make a small research about these two countries, and after all my findings… USA is obviously going to win the WW3.
Furthermore, The US military currently has nearly 1.5million soldiers in active service, along with more than 500,000 reserves and national guards.
America also has one of the largest military budgets in the world, meaning their soldiers are likely to be better equipped and better trained than North Korean military personnel.
However, soldiers stationed in US military bases surrounding North Korea are outnumbered by Kim’s forces.
With 4,000 soldiers in Guam, 54,000 in Japan and Okinawa, and 28,500 in South Korea, the US could potentially be overrun should North Korea launch an attack on South Korea or Japan.
North Korea’s military arsenal:
Kim Jong-un’s regime claims to have 60 nuclear warheads. These are suspected to be 30 kilotonne bombs (the warheads dropped on Horishima and Nagasaki during WW2 that killed 100,000 people each were 20 kilotonne bombs).
North Korea also have one million active soldiers in its army, with an estimated six million in reserve, along with almost 1,000 aircraft, 5,000 tanks and 76 submarines.
So My Question Is, Will There Actually Be A War?
Its worth remembering that North Korea knows it could never beat the USA in a war . And according to what i’ve read so far, Many analysts suggest their intention is to provoke the USA into striking them first, thereby painting America as the aggressors in the conflict, which could lead to Russia and China siding with Kim Jong-un.
America would not like to face-off against two other superpowers (which would essentially start WW3), so is likely to wait for North Korea to make the first strike, giving them a justified reason to attack the communist state.
CNN Military Analyst Rick Francona said: ‘The North Koreans did not develop their nuclear weapons to drop on the US.
‘They developed these weapons to prevent an attack from the US. Or at least that’s the rhetoric coming from Pyongyang.’
It’s a classic stalemate, where avoiding war is probably in the best interests for both sides.
Checkout the complete stats about their strength below:
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