
The Biggest Things Ever To Be Transported By Sea -

Shipping makes the world go round. Literally. Every day, thousands of containers are loaded on to enormous ships to begin their cross-continental journey to the consumers who need them.

Many of the products in the average kitchen cupboard, like coffee, for example, and bananas, have made an epic trip to arrive there. But not all cargo is as straightforward. Some things are just too big to pile into containers, and are way to heavy to be flown. How do those things get to their destination, then?

For hundreds of years, ingenious shipping engineering (and sometimes manpower too) has enabled some of the largest, heaviest, most cumbersome cargo to sail to where it needs to be. Here are some of the biggest things ever to be transported by sea.

The Statue of Liberty
In 1885, France gifted the United States of America with The Statue of Liberty. Lovely sentiment, but how does one get a 93 metre tall, 200-tonne, iron and copper sculpture from Paris to New York? The answer, of course, had to be by boat. Separated into 350 separate pieces, Lady Liberty was packed into 214 wooden crates and loaded on to the French ship Isere. After crossing the Atlantic, she was painstakingly rebuilt atop her pedestal, gaining her place as one of the world's most prominent icons and famous tourist attractions. These spectacular images show various stages of the Statue of Liberty's construction and really bring home its sheer enormity.



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