Inferiority complex otherwise known as low self esteem, is defined by the dictionary as the sense of feeling inferior to others in certain aspects. As its widely said, "the first step in solving a problem is identifying the problem". Many people have the problem of Inferiority Complex but a larger percentage does not know.
The State Of Inferiority Complex
Inferiority Only exist in the mind of the sufferer. It is a repeated effort of consistent proclaiming of inferiority in the mind of the victim which makes him/her believe he/she is inferior in that aspect.
Inferiority Only exist in the mind of the sufferer. It is a repeated effort of consistent proclaiming of inferiority in the mind of the victim which makes him/her believe he/she is inferior in that aspect.
In this episode, Inferiority will be seen and approached as a disease. Just like every normal disease, inferiority complex has symptoms.
The Following are symptoms of Inferiority Complex
1)Comparison; An individual suffering from inferiority complex compares him/herself with others. Having a low self esteem deals with a certain level of mindset built over a period of time which has sank so much in the individual's system such that when he sees other people he cant help but to compare his inabilities.
2)Questioning of Inabilities; An individual suffering from Inferiority complex find himself/herself in the situation of asking the "why" questions. Example of questions they ask are; "why can't i be a little taller", "why am i born poor". The questioning comes into the individuals mind and any idle moment. Questioning of the inabilities is as a result of obsessive comparison
3)Covetousness: This excessive desire to possess someone else's belongings, it might be in the form of wealth, body size, status, qualifications, etc. A low self esteemed individual develops wishes against his inabilities e.g 'i wish i were a little taller', 'i were born rich'. Wishes are things that goes through such individual's mind.
To Be Continued
God bless you
Mide Oladokun
Mide Oladokun
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