
Gas Shortage Cut Cement Manufacturers Output Capacity By 36% -

Gas Shortage Cut Cement Manufacturers Output Capacity By 36% -
The Cement Manufacturer Association of Nigeria (CMAN) said the shortage in gas supply has compelled cement manufacturers in Nigeria to produce 36% lesser than their installed capacity.

The Association which has cement producers such as Dangote Cement Plc, Lafarge Africa Plc and BUA Group as its member with combined installed capacities of 31.25 million metric tonnes per annum recorded actual production of about 20 million metric tonnes.

Mr. Segun soyoye, Lafarge’s Plant Manager for Ewekoro plants 1 & 2, in Ogun State, in a report by Vanguardremarked that the situation has forced the company to go for local waste material such as used motor vehicle tyres, saw dust, palm kernel shaft and wood for firing its cement kilns.

In the same vein, the Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) Director, Mr. Mordecai B. N. Ladan had earlier this year expressed worry that despite the significant natural gas reserves estimated at 192 Trillion Cubic Feet, TCF, the country was yet to fully benefit from her natural gas endowment.

It will interest you to know that Nigeria is among the top five natural gas producers in the world.



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