As shared on Facebook by one of his bestie - Titus Christabel
"9th of August was d sadest day of my life.
I lost bestie to d cold hands of death
Since, Wednesday I can't type well
I hv been waiting for my phone to ring nd see Bestie calling
I hv been waiting for you to chat me up no signal
Who did you leave me for?
U 4got everything? All d promises,
We plan to spend life well nd together at UNEC.
Watching u, and you gave up in d hospital Was d most painful thing on earth. I called u wit all names on earth u couldn't answer den I hold your hand to my heart it was too cold.
My heart was broken
Oh! Life is wicked
You are d best thing dat ever happened to my life nd death took u away from me.
I keep my promises for you
I W make u proud wherever u are
U showed me Wat true love is, u treat me special ND u always say
JC you are d best.
U r also d best nd u remain d best my JP.
Bestie is crying
All ur frds are weeping
Ur family in sorrow
CKC ur primus brothers are in tears
All medical lab students are in tears
Pls interceed for us bc I know you are in d hands of God for ur ways were upright went u were here on earth.
I lv u so much but God loves you most
Rest in peace sweet hrt
Rest in peace Bestie
Rest in peace jp
Rest in peace d grt mathematician
Rest in peace my handsome bestie
Till we met to part no more
From. Bestie"
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We the admins of is saying "may God prepare a better place for this brave Unec student (Rip)
"9th of August was d sadest day of my life.
I lost bestie to d cold hands of death
Since, Wednesday I can't type well
I hv been waiting for my phone to ring nd see Bestie calling
I hv been waiting for you to chat me up no signal
Who did you leave me for?
U 4got everything? All d promises,
We plan to spend life well nd together at UNEC.
Watching u, and you gave up in d hospital Was d most painful thing on earth. I called u wit all names on earth u couldn't answer den I hold your hand to my heart it was too cold.
My heart was broken
Oh! Life is wicked
You are d best thing dat ever happened to my life nd death took u away from me.
I keep my promises for you
I W make u proud wherever u are
U showed me Wat true love is, u treat me special ND u always say
JC you are d best.
U r also d best nd u remain d best my JP.
Bestie is crying
All ur frds are weeping
Ur family in sorrow
CKC ur primus brothers are in tears
All medical lab students are in tears
Pls interceed for us bc I know you are in d hands of God for ur ways were upright went u were here on earth.
I lv u so much but God loves you most
Rest in peace sweet hrt
Rest in peace Bestie
Rest in peace jp
Rest in peace d grt mathematician
Rest in peace my handsome bestie
Till we met to part no more
From. Bestie"
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We the admins of is saying "may God prepare a better place for this brave Unec student (Rip)
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