
Ogun Vs Orunmila

According to lwori-Ogunda, God admonished Ogun when he fell from grace otter contriving the assassination of Orunmila.
Ogun was very poor and his guardian spirit advised him to request Orunmila to prepare lfa for him. Orunmila refused on the ground that Ogun would try to kill him in an ultimate show of ingratitude.
Ogun begged Orunmila several times but on each occasion, the latter refused to oblige.
Eventually, Ogun reported the matter to the Divine Council of God where all present accused Orunmila of being uncharacteristically hard-hearted.
In his verdict, God Commanded Orunmila to prepare Ifa for Ogun.
Orunmila agreed to carry out the injunction but predicted that God would Himself be a witness to the ultimate manifestation of Ogun's ingratitude.
Orunmila proceeded to perform the ceremony which lasted seven days. Before finalizing the ceremonies, war broke out between llakporo (Hadlmand Aminikun (Ere bus) on the sixth day and being the divinity of war, Ogun had to leave for battle before completing his lfa ceremonies.
He fought both sides into submission and returned home with over 600 prisoners of war, all carrying the spoils and loots of war.

On getting home, Ogun began to ponder over the hidden powers that Orunmila wielded.
He thought to himself that if the ceremony performed by Orunmila could so efficaciously transform his lot from penury to affluence, what would such a fellow-divinity do to him the day he decided to dare him.
Ogun then contrived a strategy for the elimination of Orunmila.
He invited his soldiers and gave them detailed instructions to go to Orunmila' s house in the night not only to set it on fire but also to kill anyone trying to escape from the blazing inferno.
Traditionally, Orunmila's house is next to God's in heaven, which-is why he Is called Ajiborisha Kpero - meaning: "the divinity who goes to greet God first thing in the morning."
God's house is all white with a white flag in front of it. On the other hand, Orunmila' s house Is painted with black dyestuff with a palm frond In front of it.
Ogun told his followers to bum the dark coloured house without telling them who owned or lived in it.
Meanwhile at his usual morning divination, Ifa revealed to orunmlla that war was imminent and that he should without delay offer a he-goat, white native chalk, charcoal, white cloth and palm-frond to Esu.
He quickly sent Akpetebi to the market to fetch the materials and he made the sacrifice without any delay.
Late in the night. when everyone had Slept. Esu got to do the work for which food had been given to him. He turned the colour of Orunmila's house to white and inserted a white flag in front of it. At the same time, he turned the colour of God's house from white to black and Inserted a palm-frond in front of it.
At this point, it is important to recall the proclamation of Esu that although he has no creative powers, he can nonetheless mutilate whatever God has created or designed.
After everyone had slept. Ogun's soldiers moved in to attack. They had no difficulty in locating the black house with the palm frond In front of it. They instantly set it on fire and took position to attack whoever would come out of it.
When God saw that His house was on fire, He commanded the fire to extinguish because. "it is forbidden to do any damage in the house of God - "Aikoro lule Orisa." The fire was instantly extinguished.
God then asked Ogun 's soldiers what it was all about and they explained that they were acting on Ogun's instructions. He asked which house they were instructed to set on fire and they further explained that it was the dark-coloured house with palm-frond in front of it.
God immediately realized what had happened and used Divine Telephonic Telepathy to invite Ogun and Orunmila to His Divine Chamber.............. to be continued



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