
Nigerians, Stop Starting A Sentence With 'Am' Or 'i' - Comrade Nnadi Goodluck

Comrade Nnadi Goodluck adviced Nigerians on the poor usage of "am" and "i" in a sentence.

Below were his words as shared on his facebook page,
"Yesterday, I read the greatest shock of my life on an American website.

An American woman was describing the signs needed inorder to detect a Nigerian who has a hidden identity, I was going through the signs till I came to one that really stunned and consternated me.

She revealed that most Nigerians are illitrates who don't know how to make a simple correct sentence.

She was probably talking 'bout the poor usage of "am" and "i" in a sentence. Eg "am going to come soon" and "i arrived yesterday".

The reason that I'm sharing this to the whole Nigerians is because, this mistake has really gone viral and people of other countries have noticed this flaw that is only associated with Nigerians.

I am so much unhappy because, even celebrities and prominent Nigerian citizens that are supposed to correct this impression are also starting a sentence with "am" instead of "I'm" or "I am", while others are starting a sentence with "i", instead of "I".

Some languages are expediently subject-drop languages, but English is considered a subject-obligatory language. Thus, making the poor usage of the above words, non standard.

I would have said that the poor usage was created by a Nigerian, but Nigerians don't create English words nor how it will be used.

Comrade Nnadi Goodluck is trying to address this issue that has really been going on for so long and hoping to put an end to it with this message.

So, Nigerians, I urge you all to stop making this silly mistakes and always make the right and felicitous grammatical constituents. Thank you all.

Please, use the share button to share this message till every Nigerian get's to see it."[/color]

Nigerians, what is your take on this?

Source- http://www.facebook.com/100014089426009/posts/207516769727969



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