We have so much to praise God for,
there's great power in giving honor
to Him. And many of you live that
truth out, every single day of your
lives. The Bible is filled with
examples of praise when we see His
power released - life-changing
miracles, dramatic stories of the
enemy being halted or defeated,
hearts being changed and drawn
closer to Him.
Yet reality is that way
too often, daily struggles or
constant life demands can crowd
out our praise to God. We might
check the worship box at church
and somehow think we’re good for
the week. And all the while, with
souls distant and cold, we sing
words, we listen to music, then we
go home.
Praise and Worship -
Why Should We do it?
God alone is worthy of
our devotion, praise
and worship. He is God,
our Creator, and we are
commanded to praise
and worship Him.
Psalm 96:9 says,
"Worship the Lord in
the splendor of his
holiness; tremble before
him, all the earth."
Psalm 29:2 says, "Give
unto the Lord the glory
due his name; worship
the Lord in the beauty
of holiness."
A.W. Tozer said,
"Without worship, we
go about miserable."
God doesn't want us to
be miserable -- He has
a perfect plan for our
lives. He has done so
many things to show
us that He loves us and
doesn't want us to be
miserable. He wants us
to have hope for a
future with Him --he
wants us to have
eternal life in heaven
with Him.
A life of praise and
worship fills our
deepest needs, and
amazingly, it also
brings great joy to God.
Zephaniah 3:17 states,
"The LORD your God is
with you, he is mighty
to save. He will take
great delight in you, he
will quiet you with his
love, he will rejoice over
you with singing."
Praise and Worship -
How Do We do it?
God tells us how to
praise and worship him
in His Word. John 4:23
says, "Yet a time is
coming and has now
come when the true
worshipers will worship
the Father in spirit and
truth, for they are the
kind of worshipers the
Father seeks." In order
to worship God in truth,
we need to know that
Jesus said "I am the
way and the truth and
the life. No one comes
to the Father except
through me." So, before
you can worship in the
way that God desires,
you have to develop a
relationship with Him
through faith in Jesus,
His Son.
The best way that we
can praise and worship
God is with our every
thought and action.
Romans 12:1-2 states,
"Therefore, I urge you,
brothers, in view of
God's mercy, to offer
your bodies as living
sacrifices, holy and
pleasing to God -- this
is your spiritual act of
worship. Do not
conform any longer to
the pattern of this
world, but be
transformed by the
renewing of your mind.
Then you will be able to
test and approve what
God's will is -- his
good, pleasing and
perfect will."
Praise and Worship -
Love from the Heart
Many people think that
praise and worship is
only singing songs at
church, but it is so
much more! It is also a
condition of your heart
-- a willingness to exalt
God and yield to his
will. Worship is an
expression of love and
awe to the God who
gives us more than we
deserve. Whether you
express your worship
by singing, playing
music, dancing or in
some other way,
remember that you are
called to worship God
with your every action,
every day of your life.
God is holy, loving, and
worthy of all our
worship and devotion.
"Love the LORD your
God with all your heart
and with all your soul
and with all your
strength" (Deuteronomy
Now. can a Sunday service ever be
complete without praise and worship ??
there's great power in giving honor
to Him. And many of you live that
truth out, every single day of your
lives. The Bible is filled with
examples of praise when we see His
power released - life-changing
miracles, dramatic stories of the
enemy being halted or defeated,
hearts being changed and drawn
closer to Him.
Yet reality is that way
too often, daily struggles or
constant life demands can crowd
out our praise to God. We might
check the worship box at church
and somehow think we’re good for
the week. And all the while, with
souls distant and cold, we sing
words, we listen to music, then we
go home.
Praise and Worship -
Why Should We do it?
God alone is worthy of
our devotion, praise
and worship. He is God,
our Creator, and we are
commanded to praise
and worship Him.
Psalm 96:9 says,
"Worship the Lord in
the splendor of his
holiness; tremble before
him, all the earth."
Psalm 29:2 says, "Give
unto the Lord the glory
due his name; worship
the Lord in the beauty
of holiness."
A.W. Tozer said,
"Without worship, we
go about miserable."
God doesn't want us to
be miserable -- He has
a perfect plan for our
lives. He has done so
many things to show
us that He loves us and
doesn't want us to be
miserable. He wants us
to have hope for a
future with Him --he
wants us to have
eternal life in heaven
with Him.
A life of praise and
worship fills our
deepest needs, and
amazingly, it also
brings great joy to God.
Zephaniah 3:17 states,
"The LORD your God is
with you, he is mighty
to save. He will take
great delight in you, he
will quiet you with his
love, he will rejoice over
you with singing."
Praise and Worship -
How Do We do it?
God tells us how to
praise and worship him
in His Word. John 4:23
says, "Yet a time is
coming and has now
come when the true
worshipers will worship
the Father in spirit and
truth, for they are the
kind of worshipers the
Father seeks." In order
to worship God in truth,
we need to know that
Jesus said "I am the
way and the truth and
the life. No one comes
to the Father except
through me." So, before
you can worship in the
way that God desires,
you have to develop a
relationship with Him
through faith in Jesus,
His Son.
The best way that we
can praise and worship
God is with our every
thought and action.
Romans 12:1-2 states,
"Therefore, I urge you,
brothers, in view of
God's mercy, to offer
your bodies as living
sacrifices, holy and
pleasing to God -- this
is your spiritual act of
worship. Do not
conform any longer to
the pattern of this
world, but be
transformed by the
renewing of your mind.
Then you will be able to
test and approve what
God's will is -- his
good, pleasing and
perfect will."
Praise and Worship -
Love from the Heart
Many people think that
praise and worship is
only singing songs at
church, but it is so
much more! It is also a
condition of your heart
-- a willingness to exalt
God and yield to his
will. Worship is an
expression of love and
awe to the God who
gives us more than we
deserve. Whether you
express your worship
by singing, playing
music, dancing or in
some other way,
remember that you are
called to worship God
with your every action,
every day of your life.
God is holy, loving, and
worthy of all our
worship and devotion.
"Love the LORD your
God with all your heart
and with all your soul
and with all your
strength" (Deuteronomy
Now. can a Sunday service ever be
complete without praise and worship ??
Make sure you comment below, share your thought, feel free to ask us anything, we will reply immediately
Thank you for being part of gistlife