
Don't Invest In MMM Again If You Love Your Self And Please Tell Your Family

I am mike, am an active participant of MMM so I don't think anyone here will castigate me for coming up to speak against Mmm as it is obvious the scheme is dead ,but if you don't believe me as being a participant please try and dig up some of my post here and see how I have worked assiduously to make sure MMM stays afloat in spite of criticism from Nairaland,media and Govt.

I invested 400k in MMM around November but prior to that time I had invested meagre money which I was able to GH as at when due so later I decided to go for the big one which landed me in the trouble am facing till date.

But the truth nobody will tell you is that MMM won't pay the 'old mavro' again and they are already recruiting more guilders( the real problem) to lure new participants to the scheme, just like starting it all over again.

The greedy guilders

The guilders will not tell you the truth because from their regular meetings they have been told to assure their down lines that everything is fine ,at least for them to keep GHing in millions every month, I saw chuddy's GH and letter of happiness in a particular link ,I must say the guy GH more than 5m monthly but if u don't believe that,I hope you will have access to YouTube and watch a particular Guilder that debated with hon fijabi on BCOSS Ibadan .the guy stated boldly that he GH over 4million monthly. The guilders are still bent on luring people for the new phase ' new mavros' so as to keep GHing to fill their bank acct....

WhatsApp groups

In all the WhatsApp groups of MMM that I know, you can't ask questions and get a satisfying responds all you will see is a prepared msg from one Mr ANDREW ' head of CRO ( whatever that means).
And if you try to ask further question they will ask you if you pay the money to MMM, seriously I didn't pay my money to MMM but I paid to a participants on Mmm 's directive and my letter of happiness is being written to Mmm and not the participants, so I have the right to question MMM. I have been removed from not less than 4 Mmm groups.

Week in week out no msg

The delay tactics was to make people not commit suicide during the December period, I gave them kudos for that, at least for now a good number of us have moved on even if its obvious we can't get our money back but it would have been a disaster if we were told outrightly by December that our money was gone! I personally would av developed a stroke becos I came close to it when the news of the freeze came up. But I was persuaded with the fact that they are coming by January 14th ,see we are already in February so stop dreaming and don't put your money again.

New mavro
Please stop putting your money on Mmm. If they tell you Mmm is coming back you should know the lie is coming from greedy guilders or the new recruited guilders who want to hit it big like chuddy.
I must tell you MMM is purely made to enrich guilders alone. With all the people I know that participated in the scheme all of us are lamenting of losing one money or the other .so where is the billions that we P.H? Eating by the guilders who probably want more !
So if you are P.Hong cos your mavro is new well remember there will be a time your mavro will turn old like our own....by then O.Y.O is your case!

Pls stop participating in MMM .I have moved on....



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