
My Man Thinks That The Money He Earns Is His And Not Ours

I am a stay at home mom, for now. I was laid off from a teaching job while pregnant and decided to use this time to care for our 8months son. In the beginning there was never an issue with one persons money being his or hers it was always ours.

Now after a year and a half anything I spend becomes an issue. When we talk about money he talks about working his a.s.s off, having nothing to show for it, because I'm spending HIS money.

Surprisingly, I don't even shop. Every once in a while I may purchase something for the home or something our kid need. I'm almost tempted to go on back to work, but I would like to stay out one more year until our son is of preschool age. I don't know if I will be able to make it that long.

It just seems like when you become a stay at home mom and don't earn an income you become less than, not equal, and nothing is truly yours because you didn't earn it. Just because we are at home doesn't mean we don't work, we just don't get paid for it.



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