
Katsina University Religious Regulation: An Illegality Taken Too Far

Like most people, I was greeted by a report of a new regulations by the management of Umaru Yar'adua University (formerly Katsina State University) in which they proscribed every religious and tribal associations in the school with the exception of Muslim Students Society of Nigeria, a body for Muslim students. It is a shame that an institution of learning that is supposed to be a shinning light in the society will adopt a policy that is not only bigoted but also against the right of students as prescribed in the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Katsina People, Not Muslims Own The University:
The University is owned by the people of Katsina state. It was established by the government of Umaru Musa Yar'adua in 2006/07, funded with Katsina state resources for the people of Katsina state and other Nigerians. The institution is 100% public owned, it is not a private property of the Muslim population nor that of any faith. Hence, the school policies must be of public interest and not that of any religion or ethnic group.

I find it pathetic that some people choose to justify the clear discrimination against people of non-Muslim faith by the school management by drawing parallel with the policies of privately-owned tertiary institutions like Covenant University.

Since Katsina state belong to Katsina people irrespective of religious affiliation, Umaru Yaradua University is owned by Katsina state, common sense should tell that the University is owned by Katsina people irrespective of faith. The school must not be seen as discriminatory or appear to favor any religion over the other.

Regulations Against The Right of Students As Enshrined In The Nigeria Constitution:
If you look at Section 38(3) of the Nigeria constitution that deals with freedom of religion and section 40 that deals with freedom of association, one will see clearly that the regulation has sought to deprive Nigerians/students of non-Muslim faith in the institution their right to freely worship and associate.

The fact that the regulation exclude Muslim society, it is pure discrimination against students of non-Muslim faith, a move that is contrary to Section 42. (1) of the Nigeria constitution.

We can't allow the institution to be a law of itself. It must be subjected to the constitution of the country.

Regulations Against African Charter on Human Right:
Apart from flouting the Nigeria Constitution, the regulation of the University goes against Articles 8, 10 and 11 of the African Charter on Human Right, which Nigeria is a signatory of.

Article 8 states that "Every person shall enjoy Freedom of conscience, the profession and free practice of religion shall be guaranteed. No one may, subject to law and order, be submitted to measures restricting the exercise of these freedoms."

Article 10(1) states that "Every individual shall have the right to free association provided that he abides by the law." While Article 11 guarantees right to assemble with others.

Being a component of Nigeria and public institution, the University is subject to the various provisions of the charter. It is a matter of obligation not by choice.

While some may argue that Katsina is a sharia state, that would hold no water. This is because the Sharia law or any other law of parliament cannot take preeminence over the Constitution of Nigeria nor the African Charter, which Nigeria is a signatory of.

In fact, sections 1(1) and 1(3) of the Constitution clearly state that:

"This Constitution is supreme and its provisions shall have binding force on all authorities and persons throughout the Federal Republic of Nigeria." S1(1)

"If any other law is inconsistent with the provisions of this Constitution, this Constitution shall prevail, and that other law shall to the extent of the inconsistency be void." S1(3).

That said, I expect Nigerians in one voice irrespective of religious faith to call the management of the University and Katsina state Governor, Bello Mansari to order. We can't allow illegality to reign in this country. Allowing such move will further heat up the polity.

May God Bless Us All And Bless Nigeria

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