
Highlights Of Money Rituals In Nigeria - VastFinder

Juju or black magic had been very potent in Nigeria especially in the 80s and 90s and it still has potency till today. Juju comes from the traditional African religion popularly known as voodoo. This includes blood money and spiritual attacks.

Some wicked men used to sacrifice the souls of their wives and children just to make money. Some used to sacrifice their friends, siblings, and even their parents just to make money. These people were killed mostly spiritually and their blood converted into money.

The money they say keeps coming as long as you continue to perform human sacrifice. Many rich people in Nigeria today are at times accused of using blood money. Some people go in for Juju just for protection and sometimes for fame.

Another form of Juju is witchcraft which is believed to be the lowest rank in terms of Juju powers. You could kill your enemies with juju or you could make their lives miserable with Juju. With Juju, you do not attack the person physically hence the law cannot punish you.

These days because of Christianity, Islam, and so on, most people don't practice juju activities. Juju is very popular in Benin Republic, which is considered as the motherland of voodoo and also Haiti. Not just Africans. Even some Native Americans such as the Cherokees and the Apaches believe in Juju powers.

Some people believe such powers do not exist but that is a huge mistake. We could just pray without watching if there were no dark powers around us but the Bible said “Watch and Pray”. The fact that they are powerless before God Almighty does not mean they cannot harm mortal men.

Although juju may sound strange to some people, voodoo is part of African culture and traditions. In other words, Africans cannot throw away voodoo. Voodoo is part of Africa. The difference between Juju and voodoo the traditional African religion is that, the traditional African religion or voodoo mostly helps people unlike Juju which mostly harms people.

Voodoo practitioners are mostly herbalists and wise men who use combination of herbs, barks of trees, etc. to cure diseases. Some get the knowledge from the ancestral spirits and the lesser gods they worship. Juju performers on the other hand use strange objects like the skull of dead animals, human skulls, etc to perform juju powers which mostly harms people.

In some situations when they know they cannot help, instead of telling people straight away, they demand for even insane items like the front tooth of a herbivorous lion, the sperm of a dinosaur, etc which are impossible to find.

Juju is on the rise in Nigeria because many people want to become rich and escape the poverty trap. Those who perform juju for people or the overseers of Juju are mostly traditional worshippers like the voodoo worshippers in Benin Republic, Haiti and Togo who worship ancestral spirits and lesser gods.

That position is passed on from generation to generation. In other words, you take over from your late father if your late father was a Juju performer.

Source: https://vastfinder.blogspot.com/2017/01/money-rituals-in-nigeria-how-it-all.html



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