It is good when you disagree and agree within so short period of time, this is called maturity, but no matter how good you might want to describe your relationship that you will not remember your moment of disagreements.
A relationship without disagreement is like a city without laws governing the affairs of the people therein, it will collapse very soon by the people.
Disagreement makes you know how to deal with your partner. It makes you know your partner more than any other person as you will try not to give room for the cause of that disagreement next time because no matter the level of the affection there will still be limitations.
If you don't know, disagreement make a relationship stronger, this only applies to those who overcome the disagreement as not all disagreement ends in agreement.
It is not possible to have a disagreement-free relationship, the best is to get over the disagreement within short period of time.
Disagreement is not for two strong-headed partners, those who will not accept their fault, those who cannot submit their ego to each other, in fact, such relationship cannot last.
The best thing is for one to just allow peace to reign even when the other who might even be at fault is not ready for settlement.
No relationship is/will be completely free of disagreement, this is why the parties involved must be good at relationship management which i wouldn't say is common sense but unique sense for any mature being.
Learn to control it as fast as possible as not to allow it to escalate to irreparable level.
This is the secret of those relationships/marriages you envy out there, yours can also be envied only if you can submit your ego to the one you truly love, it will not cost you anything you know?
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