On this day 47 years ago, the
Biafran soldiers surrendered to the Nigerian government after a 30 month
civil war which cost the lives of many people.
The Igbos were not happy with the Northern-dominated federal government and saw secession as the way out.
May 30, 1967, late Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu, a military officer and
politician announced a breakaway of the Eastern Region under the new
name Republic of Biafra.
The Nigerian
Civil War also known as the Biafran war started in the early hours of
July 6, 1967, and ended on January 15, 1970. Nigeria fought against
Biafra to counter their secession from the Republic of Nigeria.
During the course of the war, the Biafran Army had to build its own arms, ammunition and armoured vehicles.
brings you photos of some of the war machines used by the Biafrans
during the war without which the story of the Nigerian Civil War would
not be complete.
1. Ogbunigwe (mass killer when interpreted in English)


Ogbunigwe also known as mass killer
It is a series of weapons systems
which includes command detonation mines, improvised explosive devices
and rocket propelled missiles. This deadly mass destruction missile also
called the 'Ojukwu Bucket' was popular in the civil war era and was
said to have made the federal troops jittery.
2. Biafran Grenade Launcher

Biafran Grenade Launcher
This was used to launch the dreaded grenade “Ogbunigwe”.
3. Biafran armoured personnel troop carrier

Biafran armoured personnel troop carrier
This was use to convey soldiers to the battle front during the war.
4. Biafran armoured car

Biafra armoured car
This armoured car is usually equipped with high powered machine guns.
5. Biafran red devils

Biafran red devil A, B, C and D
armoured vehicles built by the Biafrans were called red devils because
of the devilish way they operate. There was the Red Devil - type A, B, C
and D.
6. Biafran made armoured tank

Biafran made armoured tank
This tank is equipped with an anti tank gun and can rotate 360 degrees.
7. Biafran mobile artillery machine

Biafran mobile artillery machine
8. The Biafran bomber aircraft

The Biafran bomber aircraft
The Biafran engineers and experts convetred some aircrafts into a weaponised bomber fighter jet.
9. Biafran refinery or Biafran pot

Biafran pot
of this heavily and carefully crafted crude oil refinery were built by
the Biafrans. It brought refined oil, diesel, kerosene, petrol and
aviation fuel for military, government, public and private use.
have still not given up and are still clamouring for secession. Their
leader Nnamdi Kanu has been in detention and is facing trial on charges
related to treason, mismanagement of an unlawful society among others.
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