
7 Reasons Why You Are Not Earning A Penny Online

1. You are not focused on one single online business:

The internet is home to many profitable money-making opportunities. Sometimes, the prospects can be huge and very attractive. But you will continue to have problems if you try to do all of them. With an internet enabled device and a data plan, you may be tempted to engage in them all because of the mouthwatering income you can make. It's called the "shining syndrome". You achieve less when your focus is scattered. Stick to one opportunity and become good at it.

2. You don't seek for information:

Information is power. When you are armed with the right knowledge, you will save yourself time and energy you could have expended on trying to discover how something works. It takes information to succeed in online business. to really succeed you need a person that is already succeeding to replicate his success. information is everywhere but that is not the type of information you need to succeed. what you need is usually a unique strategy or secret that only a limited number of people know and use.

3. You picked an area you have no passion about:

The simple fact is while you may be able to do a lot of things, there are only a few things that you can do very well. In the online world, there are myriad of opportunities. You need to seek for what you are passionate about. If you feel passion for it, you will have fun in doing it. In that way, you gain two advantages: reduced pressure to make money fast and better output. So, scan for your area of interest and dwell on it.

4. You are giving inadequate value:

You may trick customers/traffic to your blog or to patronize you, but what will keep them coming back is the level of value you deliver. If your value is low, they will switch to the closest substitute. There is no loyalty to a product of cheap value anywhere in the world. You have to therefore ensure that your content is of the highest possible standard. When you do this, your customers/audience will be the ones promoting your product for you. A typical example of high quality standard is the “Affiliate Jagaban Guide”.

5. You are not building an audience:

Your audiences are the reason why your business is existent. It is therefore important that you build a relationship with them. Get to know them if possible. Give them good value and be responsive to their inquiries. Once in a while, interact with them through your platform and build rapport with them. What will determine the longevity of your online business is if you cultivate your audience or you are just comfortable with random visits/buyers.

6. You are in haste:

Sometimes, the success of others might make you wonder if you are doing the right thing or if you are on track. Don't fret about it. While they share their stories online of the income they have made, they will not equally tell you how long it took them to grow their business. Your major focus should not be the success of others but if your business is growing at the pace you desire. Someone once said, "You cannot get a baby in one month by making nine women pregnant".

7. You rarely plan or strategize:

You will be amazed how many people do things just for the fun of it. What you take so lightly is what someone somewhere is using to earn an income. When you know which area of online business you want to focus on, you need to make plans on how you want it to grow. Strategy is how you intend to achieve your plan. Planning will keep you focused and help you overlook distractions.

8 You Are Waiting For The Dream Online Tutor To Spoon Feed You

Real Online tutors will only give you a definite guideline of what they do. usually it requires an effort from your end to replicate their success. if you are the lazy type that gives up easily then you will miss out of what ever gold mine they hand over to you. if you happen to be a slow learner, it is just telling you that you require a little more effort. the greatest proof that you can earn a lot of money online is that somebody is already earning and you know exactly what he is doing. if you think you can, you can. if you think you cant, you cant.

If you have been doing any of the above, 2017 presents you with an opportunity to right your wrong. A lot of Nigerians are keying in to the online business and are already making income. Make sure you are one of them.



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