Funmi Akingbade
There has been a lot of controversy over
the subject of erectile dysfunction in women. Some groups of
researchers say women do not have this type of complications. They argue
that women do not have erection challenges; hence they could not
possibly have issues with erectile dysfunction. But another group of sex
and sexuality scholars believe that women actually undergo erectile
dysfunction. They argue that the clitoris has same properties with the
nerves of the penis. According to them, clitoris responds to sex like
the penis.
While research suggests that sexual
erectile dysfunction is more common in men, 43 per cent of women have
reported some degree of this problem. I must say that it is actually a
topic that many women are hesitant or embarrassed to discuss.
Fortunately, most cases of erectile sexual dysfunction in women are
traceable to ignorance, lack of desire, childhood sexual abuse,
mind-set, hormonal problems, premenopausal issues, depression,
medication, unhappy marital relationship and sicknesses. Female sexual
dysfunction can also be as a result of a physical or psychological
problem. These conditions include diabetes, heart disease, neurological
diseases, hormonal imbalances, menopause, plus such chronic diseases as
kidney disease or liver failure, and alcoholism or drug abuse. In
addition, the side effects of certain medications, including some
antidepressant drugs, can affect sexual desire and function.
Psychological causes include work-related stress and anxiety, concern
about sexual performance, marital or relationship problems, depression,
feelings of guilt, or the effects of a past sexual trauma.
The most common problems related to
erectile sexual dysfunction in women include inhibited sexual desire,
which involves a lack of sexual desire or interest in sex. Of course,
many factors can contribute to a lack of desire, including hormonal
changes, medical conditions and treatments (for example, some menstrual
pain drugs, cancer and chemotherapy), depression, pregnancy, stress,
and fatigue. Ironically, even boredom with regular sexual routines may
also contribute to a lack of enthusiasm for sex; lifestyle factors such
as careers, the care for children and family life can also cause it. The
inability to become physically aroused during sexual activity with many
African wives has actually be en traced to a feeling of not getting
enough love, attention and affection from their husbands or sense of
rejection by husband’s family. This inability also may be related to
anxiety or inadequate spiritual, soul and bodily participation. In
addition, researchers are investigating how blood flow problems
affecting the vagina and clitoris may contribute to arousal problems.
Lack of orgasm (anorgasmia which is the absence of sexual climax, orgasm
in women) can also be caused by a woman’s sexual inhibition,
inexperience, lack of knowledge and psychological factors such as
anxiety, fear of sex or a past sexual trauma or abuse. Other factors
contributing to anorgasmia include insufficient foreplay and clitoral
stimulation, certain medications and chronic diseases. Another reason
can also be pain during intercourse and this can actually be caused by a
number of problems, including endometriosis, a pelvic mass, ovarian
cysts, vaginitis, poor lubrication, the presence of scar tissue from
surgery, especially badly managed episiotomy or a sexually transmitted
disease. Another cause of this is a condition called vaginismus and
this condition is very common in Africa which is a painful, involuntary
spasm of the muscles that surround the vaginal entrance. It may occur in
women who fear that penetration will be painful. It may stem from a
sexual phobia or a previous traumatic or painful experience.
Aside from treating every disease,
illness and medical challenge, my response to all husbands desperately
looking for a way out of their wives’ erectile sexual dysfunctions and
challenge is simply this; give your wife lots and lots of love,
affection, attention, good romance along excellent foreplay or love
play. By this, almost half of the job is done. Then on the part of the
wives, I always encourage them to try and explore every sexual arousal
available. The truth of the matter is that your body, especially your
sexual organs, may feel different from the way they normally should and
your response and arousal may be problematic. But if you take time to
put your mind into wanting to improve, you will solve almost all the
I recommend that you stay very close to
your husband, lock the bedroom door, relax, and take up to 15 minutes
and let your husband feel every part of your body by just caressing it.
While he is caressing you, try and
figure out what feels good, what doesn’t, and what hurts. This is just
about taking stock of what your body feels while you are with your
husband. Share what you’ve learned. Once you have a sense of what feels
good, tell your husband, who may have been nervous or worried about
accidentally hurting you or not getting you aroused enough. Besides, one
major trial you have to overcome is fear; you have to be bold in the
bedroom. See your erectile sexual dysfunction as an opportunity to try
different things in bed. Try new positions. Your old standbys, like the
missionary position, may be too conventional; try something comfortable
and at the same time fantastic. Whenever you feel some pain [which most
times are psychosomatically induced], you can go ahead and use pillows
or rolled-up towels to support parts of your body to make you more
comfortable. Also try oral sex or let your husband use his hands more on
your breasts, nipples, clitoris, the tip of your vagina and even a good
‘G’ spot caressing.
Vaginal dryness can subtly be a major
common symptom of female erectile dysfunction. So, buy a water-based
lubricant and use a lot of it. I also want to encourage wives in this
category to try and redefine sex. By trying to focus more on the
experience and less on checking off the perfectness, sex doesn’t mean
you have to have intercourse. You and your husband don’t have to climax.
You can still have an intimate – and sexy – experience. Many wives with
erectile dysfunction challenges do not take time to actually prepare
for sex because they have programmed that there is a problem. You have
to prepare. Good sex doesn’t have to be spontaneous. Plan ahead. Decide
on a day and time. Anticipation might build your excitement and kill
dysfunction of any kind of whatever level. Choose the time of day when
you feel best. For instance, you may have more energy in the morning
than at night. Do not frustrate your husband; do everything and all
things to work on your mind, when you trash the organic problems,
illnesses and diseases always give way and many wives have a good story
to tell.
Wives, please never live in a mirage,
believing that men would always want sex. Yes, they may but when
constant, continual, daily sexual frustration sets into your marriage
relationship, many husbands lose interest in sex and would barely ever
initiate sex anymore. This is done sometime in order to escape the
vulnerability of being the initiator or simply to take a break from
depending on their wives to meet their sexual needs, so seeking sexual
fulfilment elsewhere. Often high percentage of such men use pornography
because they may think it’s easy, exciting or efficient, but at the same
time, destructive. Many argue that it spares them the sexual
negotiation with un-sensitive wives.
And sometimes, some husbands could lose
attraction for their wives after many months or years of frigidity or
lack of cooperation as a result of sexual dysfunction; they no longer
want to have sex with them – this is true. But it’s important to
remember that, in long-term marital relationship, attraction is a
complex emotion – it’s a mix of visual pleasure and sexual chemistry, as
well as feelings about the relationship. Loss of attraction can also be
a psychological defence. If a husband is feeling suffocated by the lack
of sensitivity of the wife, he may experience loss of attraction as a
way to create some space and avoid the closeness that sex brings. And
believe you me, when a man lacks attraction for his wife, his prostate
suffers and low testosterone sets in. The psychology of low testosterone
in husbands of wives with erectile sexual dysfunction is this: While
they are still willing to have sex and looking for solution to their
wives’ sexual challenges, most of these men have a great supply of
testosterone, the “hungry-for-sex” hormone, all their lives. But when
interest is lost due to prolonged need for sex, the desire begins to
wane leading to reduced desire and often poorer erections.
Whatever your sexual challenge as a
wife, never allow boredom in your bedroom. The truth is, sometimes men
want to just have good sex when they feel the urge. With a body full of
testosterone, it can be discouraging when they have a wife who cannot
fathom what it feels like to ignite instantaneously. And when a husband
hears his partner’s complaint of “all you want is sex,” it can feel like
male-bashing. The truth is, while he desperately wants sex and is
physiologically programmed to want sex, he wants sex with you his wife
specifically, and also wants you to express both desire and love in
spite of your sexual challenges. Occasionally, husbands need reciprocity
of pure lust: “You want it, so I want it!” They’d love an aggressive
wife, who would put her problems aside, be a wild animal for a moment,
an uninhibited encounter that is free.
Questions and answers
My husband compares me with porn stars
From the look of things, it seems my husband compares me with women in porn movies, don’t you think he is being unrealistic?
Mrs Faith Apeojuha
From a realistic point of view, most
men do not wish their wives look like those women. Rather they wish
their wives were as comfortable with their bodies and with sex. Women
are a lot harder on themselves than men are. All you need is a heart and
body that is soft, smells and tastes good. Keep the sex bed adventurous
and hot. As much as you can, put on seductive outfit you feel
comfortable in and forget the elaborate bustier. Not all husbands are
into lingerie, and there is nothing worse than squeezing into some
skimpy things.
Is sex a do or die thing?
You talk about sex as if it must be a do or die thing between couples; can’t a couple be happy without sex?
Mrs. Wemimo Yellow
As a sex therapist, I can tell you
that when a couple who have not been sexually active suddenly have a
good experience, you can see the difference. They come in laughing and
talking; there is definitely more physical affection between them. It is
better than any therapy you can ever imagine. On the other hand, there
are couples out there who simply do not care very much about sex. In
addition, there are more sexless marriages than you would think of.
However, relationships that are bonded, loving and devoted have the
basic ingredient in them and that is committed sexual union. For many
spouses who do not see any big deal about sex in marriage, I need to say
that such people should not have got into marriage at all, because sex
in marriage is one of the reasons for a good marriage. If you are not
ready for sex in marriage, don’t go into one.
Don’t I deserve a sex break?
I just gave birth to our first child, I
have no sexual feeling and I feel sex should be on hold for now because I
am always feeling tired but my husband has a different opinion. Don’t
you think he should be considerate? He behaves as if sex is a lifeline.
Nursing mother
For nursing mothers, sheer fatigue
is perhaps the biggest roadblock to feeling sexy again, especially at
the beginning when a new baby is usually awake to feed every two or
three hours around the clock. This pattern can go on for months. About
30 per cent of babies still aren’t sleeping through the night by the
first nine months. But men are still more likely to be interested in
sex. To them, it’s often a way to relax and help feel emotionally close
to their wives and they don’t need much of a warm-up before diving into
sex. In contrast, nursing mothers need some comforting talk and foreplay
to become aroused. If fatigue is what’s keeping you from getting your
sex life back, the first thing to do is talk with your husband about it.
Then do some creative problem solving. I suggest you ask your husband
or any trustworthy close relative to watch the baby, so you can rest and
get into the mood. Also, aim for early morning sex, when you’ve both
had a chance to catch some sleep.
There is a need to watch out for
your mood also because hormones are part of the sex problem; estrogen
levels go down after delivery. This can cause a shortage of vaginal
lubrication which can make sex painful or less pleasurable. Hormonal
changes after childbirth might also be related to postpartum depression
which can harm sexual desire. These feelings of sadness,
anxiety, irritability may last for a few weeks or even months. Constant
nursing or pumping milk can make your breasts feel so tender and nursing
mothers don’t usually want to be touched there.
My wife doesn’t appeal to me sexually
For some times now, I have been having
erectile dysfunction and my wife no longer appeals to me sexually. It
looks like I’d have to take pills for the rest of my life. My friends
said it is more common among older men, and that I just have to live
with it. Recently, I tried having sex with another woman and I
immediately got an instant hard on erection. Why do I have to get an
erection with someone else and not with my wife?
Mr. Solomon Zach
It’s not unusual for older men to
need more stimulation to help get them aroused than they did when they
were younger. But there’s no reason you should accept a lack of sexual
function as one of the inevitable consequences of getting older, because
there is cure. Many men are able to get erections and enjoy sex well
into their senior years and there’s no reason that you can’t be one of
them. There are many reasons why a man might experience erection
problems, although lack of sexual attraction towards one’s wife might be
one of them but definitely not the major reason. Having one night stand
with some other woman apart from your wife would not actually solve the
problem, reason being that the same thing will occur again with the
other woman after you must have got used to having sex with her. What
you need to do is to get some cure and bring your wife’s sexual
performance to match your sexual fantasy level. This will increase your
attraction towards her and revive sexual passion in you.
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