Tope Fasua
It is important to state that Nigerians
need to come to terms with two realities. An economy on our trajectory
will most likely have interest rates and inflation that are above
normal. Ours is not yet a mature economy. Mature economies come with
even bigger headaches than we have right now. We know some inflation is
necessary for the growth of the economy, because producers of goods and
services should liberally price in the time factor, and the growth in
costs like staff salaries. Interest rates here can also not be in the
region of five per cent because of the costs that banks have to bear to
do their business as well as the need to price interest rates above
inflation rates.
Additionally, Nigeria is trying to
borrow to finance its 2016 budget and it is unlikely the situation will
change in 2017. I admit that it will send wrong signals to those who buy
these bonds if the MPC begins a downward pressure on rates right now.
Look people, we are not Europe. We are not USA. We are not even
South-East Asia. We are Nigeria. We are peculiar. We should embrace that
peculiarity, define our economic track and run on that track.
Our chief concern in this country should
be how to pull up our millions of our youths into the productive realm
and ensure we produce for ourselves what we need. The manufacturers and
bank customers who are asking for low rates are not exactly coming with
clean hands anyway.
They are the same people with bad loans
in AMCON and more sticky loans with the banks. The story of bank
borrowers in Nigeria is a gory one. Almost 80 per cent of loans have one
big issue or another. In-house hanky-panky by the banks don’t also make
things better. So, before we clamour for reduction in interest rates,
let us ask who benefits the most. The banks are also not about to change
their attitude of lending only to “big boys”. What are the assurances
that the poor man trying to grow his SME will be a beneficiary of rate
Let’s go for the denouement. By now,
most of my readers know that I favour a major push in the fiscal area.
Nigeria must spend to incentivise some critical demographic and
productive sectors. Tax policies should also not be too harsh on the
real sector. That is my view. I believe it is preposterous for anyone
in Nigeria to believe that monetary policies can solve our problems in a
largely informal economy, with so many leakages and quirks, so many
unpredictabilities, and so much formlessness.
Compared to what I have seen of some of
the largest economies around the world which have been able to sustain
themselves, Nigeria is like the earth was before Creation Day; “dark and
Anyone that suggests that this economy
will pull out of this morass first by reducing interest rates, so that
people can borrow more, and hopefully employ more, and build big
businesses, and then pay taxes, before we all have a taste of nirvana,
does not love this country. What we need is more direct interventions
that seek to directly boost productivity while putting money in the
pockets of our citizens – especially the youths.
My advice for the Minister of Finance,
Kemi Adeosun, therefore, is that even as she “releases” liquidity into
the system, she has to follow the money. Chief Financial Officers of
conglomerates are benchmarked on how many dollars they are able to
repatriate and their head offices abroad are not happy for now, because
even if the funds these companies were being owed are paid up, they have
lost half of the money through our devaluation. Even Nigerian
shareholders of major corporations who will get all these funds have
externalised views. They are the ones with houses and investments
abroad, and tastes for everything foreign. Their primary school children
are studying in the UK and elsewhere. To that extent, only a very tiny
fraction will remain in Nigeria if at all. Some of them will get those
funds, and like our state governors, nothing will accrue to their poor
staff who have been slaving away with no salaries for months if not
So, there is every likelihood that
hundreds of billions of naira will be released – or is being released –
but the average economically-disenfranchised Nigerian will continue to
complain bitterly. The situation is so dire in Nigeria to the extent
that it is running many people mental. All the eloquent words in the
world will not help that situation. As things stand, believe you me,
emotions are so tinder-dry and the next spark could lead to a major
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